Jedna Glava, Sto Jezika @ CzKD, Belgrade

5 & 6 October, 2020
Opening on 5 October, 2020 at 18:00
Performance GORGO on October 6 2020 at 19:00
Center for Cultural Decontamination – CzKD
Belgrade, Serbia

Curator: Dejan Vasić

Jedna Glava, Sto Jezika, is a two-day program featuring video works The Eumenides, EE-0, and GORGO in which Lala Raščić deals with narratives from ancient mythology, which she translates into the contemporary context of European society. The artist starts from the traumatic points of Greek mythology, a place of extreme violence, which she translates into the context of emancipation and gives a new reading of myth. Language, ie speech, is a part of the oral tradition, ie storytelling, which in Lala’s practice represents an important component with which she builds a narrative in her works. Starting from Elektra’s tragic destiny, the new reading portrays her character in the role of a ruler who tries to suggest a better life to her subjects with her political speeches. Thematizing various utopian forms of social organization, Eumenides brings the story of the ambivalence of today’s society, which is static and silent when it needs to move from “words to deeds”. In the video work EE-0 , the myth of Arachne, a weaver who was turned into a spider by the goddess Athena, is recontextualized as a poetic text, with the addition of local anecdotes from Prizren, where the video was produced. The idea of ​​repressed ancient female knowledge and power is intertwined with local urban myths and customs, as well as contemporary cultural, ecological and sociological phenomena. The character of the spider in EE-0 calls for the revival of Medusa by re-connecting Medusa’s head to hear body, and this act occurs at the moment as Medusa dons a copper armor to the sound of rattling weapons in contact with the body of the artist in the performance GORGO.